Find a Pain Specialist

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clinic waiting room
clinic waiting room

Take the first step toward a different kind of pain relief

Neurostimulation can help make chronic pain relief possible, but it's important to discuss your symptoms and options with a specialist first. Let Abbott help you find a specialist in your area who is familiar with advanced treatment options for chronic pain, like spinal cord stimulation (SCS) and dorsal root ganglion (DRG) therapy. Use the finder to locate healthcare professionals who are or may be familiar with neurostimulation*

*Inclusion of a Health Care Provider (HCP) in this directory does not represent an endorsement or recommendation by Abbott, nor does this imply the HCPs on this list will determine neurostimulation is right for you. The information contained on this site is compiled from a variety of different sources and Abbott does not represent that this is a complete and accurate list of pain specialists or other HCPs who are familiar with or practice pain management. Abbott is a medical device manufacturer and does not provide medical advice. Information inputted into the locator will not be stored and will be used to provide a list of nearby providers only. For more information on the terms and conditions associated with this finder or if you’re an HCP who would like to be included in the locator, please refer to the full policy.

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